Welcome to JungleMania, a game developed for Michigan State University's Specialization Certification on Game Development with Unity!

- Created and submitted by Francis :)


I've technically changed the whole game, with the exception of the starting scripts provided for movement and collisions. I personally find the given scripts a little janky, especially the wall climbing mechanic [which i disabled]

Design Modifications

- Added 3, distinguished levels. I made them to showcase the different genres that 2D platformer has been taken to. Level 1 is your classic 2D platformer, Level 2 is an obstacle, flappy-bird like game and Level 3 is a simple boss fight.

- Reskinned the main menu, with a different background, title and button sprites.

Aesthetic Modifications

- Fully changed the sprites for the enemies and the player.

- Score changed into a tooltip for the level, since each level showcases a different mechanic. 

- Changed most of the sound effects in the game, including the in-game music, powerup sounds. I retained some of the sound that seemed fitting for the game. In-game music was edited with FL Studio and Audacity.

Gameplay Modifications

- Added a lot of powerups that changed the gameplay somehow. A speed boost powerup and a jump-boost powerup to make bosses and enemies easier to defeat. 

- Added flying enemies with different behaviors. Boss battle was added such that it teleports to a random location after being hit, up until it dies. Upon death, the key to opening the gate that will finish the level will be spawned.

- Added spikes that damage the player, like a flappy-bird type of game, except that you don't die on the first half and checkpoints do actually exist lol.

- Retained the heart containers for health but changed the life counter to an icon of the player.

Pasting the screenshots of the game here as well:


Windows.zip 29 MB

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