Welcome to Super Astro 64, a 3D Platformer game developed for Michigan State University's Specialization Certification on Game Development with Unity!
- Created and submitted by Francis :)

- I've used the 3D models on the prefabs as well as the level management assets provided, but I've tweaked everything else. Specifically,

Design Modifications

[*] Created a simple, tutorial-oriented level.
[*] Added 2 other levels with unique gameplay and strategies
[*] Reskinned the game menus
[*] Added UI option to change volume

Aesthetic Modifications

[*] Add custom music to your game, created using FL Studio

Gameplay Modifications

[*] Added a dash mechanic for the game.
[* ] Used prefab assets to create different obstacles for the player.

Screenshots of the game:


Windows.zip 38 MB

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